Before starting to use the software, it is necessary to perform some preparatory actions. Setting certain system elements is essential for its correct functioning. Basic actions required to start properly using PasCom system are presented in points below. Brackets contain types of programs (F – Fleet, T – Transport, S – Shipping) to which apply point below:
- Complementation of installation data file including company addres data (F, T, S) and setting the number and names of organizational structure levels (F, T).
- Complementation of organizational structure dictionary, optionally: cost centre and account (F, T).
- Complementation of employee status and employees file (F, T, S)
- Complementation of system users file, assigning access passwords to users (F, T, S)
- Authorization of users to use the system (F, T, S)
- Complementation of following files: cost groups, cost types and cost group conversion table (the last one is necessary to execute a correct import of fuel invoices) (F, T)
- Parameterization of definitions of financial documents. (F, T, S)
- Complementation of series cards and VAT records. Parameterization of series and records prompt configuration. (F, T, S)
- Setting signatures on the bottom of the printouts. (F, T, S)
- Setting global and private parameters, including: setting up a base for files attached to the software and emails sent from the system. (F, T, S)
- Moreover, before the beggining, the following files/dictionaries should be complemented: Fuel cards and Types of fuel cards file (F, T), Services file (T, S), Order status file (T), Order type file and invoicing settings file (T), Contractors file (F, T, S), Vehicle types file (car, truck etc.) (F, T), Brand, type and sort of vehicles (F, T), Vehicles file (F, T), Units of measure file (F, T, S), Goods file (T, S), Packages file (T, S)
To complement the above, you can perform the following actions:
- Set the limits in system reminders, create the list of persons authorized to receive reminders (F, T, S)
- Prepare reminders undefined in the system using the reminder wizard (F, T, S)
- Personalize the software using the button pallette. (F, T, S)
- Proper setting and complementing particular files will allow to use the system effectively.