This module is one of the most important and expanded elements of the system. The user can obtain access to three basic order profiles: own orders, orders for external carrier and ferry orders.

In the order, it is possible to register data regarding details of loading, precise order route possible to calculate based on integrated map module, means of transport, order costs and incomes, transport conditioning or parameters and many more.

Orders can be generated by duplicating standard orders or basing on rates. The optimization module can assist the user with selecting suitable means of transport. Also, from the order level, the system enables direct access to data related to orders ina a following range:

  • suborders,
  • order loadings,
  • complaints and inconsistencies,
  • CMR documents, layover cards and other order documents,
  • SMS file,
  • schedules of orders, business trips and many more.

The order printout forms are included in the system.